Monday, December 19, 2016


And one day I watch what I think I should have watched earlier. The sorts of emotions in an entire legendary biopic with a lot to learn and equally lot to feel..  So, introducing you people with the beautiful movie cum biopic I came across today.. of an Indian legend Mr. Shrinivas Ramanujan..or I must say  the god’s  messenger.. the man made of mathematics.. may be he would be drinking and eating and even breathing mathematics. Whoa!!!  I must say the movie had brilliant impact in people like me.. who are somewhere in a race to achieve something beyond human perceptions..
Well beautifully narrated and directed by Mr. Matthew brown, wonderfully played by Dev Patel (I Wonder why Indian cinema lacks such thoughts when outsiders willingly make movies on our heroes). Guilty is what I felt watching the complete film at least twice.. I have been in a urge to complain of about everything what I surround just because of some temporary decisions. The movie slapped me hard by showing me the life of a legend.. a life without any material comfort, without any luxury,  neither do it relate with any healthy relationship goals..But as he was a messenger of god (I personally feel), he put aside every sort of negative and distracting thought and continue to do work he was good at.. I just felt so beautiful.. and better beautiful by thinking out of our motherland; how it had provided the great people time to time for the benefits of mankind..
The movie remind me of Rajesh Khanna’s  “Anand”.. Zindagi badi honi chahiye,lambi nahi”. Ramanujan proved it.. (although proofs were the thing he hated for his entire life, his life has become a biggest proof). Yet how short he lived but he lived fullest and gave the world something that made him immortal. This is what we too should urged for.. no matter how many days we live but the quality of life is what it do matter.. if we are given birth, we should have a single kind deed for the humanity, don’t be bothered if you are bad in studies we can be helpful in any aspect even with any generous help to a needy is a kind deed in itself.. not only for remembrance of our physical existence but also to have satisfaction when facing God, after death that we didn’t waste his blessings to give us birth..
Some movies make you cry and laugh and motivated and determined everything at a time.. no matter if you hate mathematics.. it’s  just another sort of a story to learn from..
This is a Must watch!

Blessings to the production!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


I believe we have a choice in this world about how to tell sad stories..
On the one hand, u can sugarcoat it. 
The way they do in movies and romance novels.
Where beautiful people learn beautiful lessons..where nothing is too messed up that can't be fixed with an apology and a Peter Gabriel song..


So..watched the movie.. you know like..some movies are just so so so awesome..all one could do is watch them..cry watching them..and keep on watching... here is the kind of movie.. I am happy enough to be able to read the novel too from which they have made the movie out.. the day I watched it..I felt in love with author.. Mr. John Green. Sometimes I feel like not everyone can be a writer.. (Now a day's every second person is a writer). There are few in the world blessed by the grace of god.. to be able to write so efficiently, every single word written by them is magic.. every line, every sentence, every quote somewhere has answer of our question by means of a lesson..
And so is the book or movie..
The choice of cast by the producers has added cherry on the cake.. both the leads were so so beautiful in themselves..they just made the character totally realistic..Hazel by Shailene Woodley and Augustus by Ansel Algort.. O My God!! the boy was so cute with killing smile..
They had cancer.. met somewhere at a support group.. generally became friends and fell in love with their generosity..
I watched the movie.. I cried because the movie was at a place sweet and other place so so touchy that I could'nt resisit myself watching it again again.. 
let me not go deep.. otherwise I'll have to watch it again.. :)
The book had many many and many beautiful quotes and paragraphs.. I was in dilemma what to where not to use highlighter..
Some excerpts from the book:
  "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference"

  "I am on a roller coaster that only goes up, my friend"

 "There will come a time, when all of us are dead. All of 
us.There will come a time when there are no human beings remaining to remember that anyone ever existed or that our species ever did anything. There will be no one left to remember Aristotle or Cleopatra, let alone you. Everything that we did and build and wrote and thought and discovered will be forgotten and all of this will have been for naught. May that time is coming soon and may be it's millions of years away, but even if we survive the collapse of our sun, we will not survive forever. There was time before organisms experienced consciousness, and there will be time after. And if the inevitability of human oblivion worries you. I encourage you to ignore it. God knows that's what everyone else does."

Sunday, December 11, 2016


I don't know why but a couple of days ago.. I decided to watch a movie a day without my choice, but by random recommendations.. just to get relaxed and feel life out of those sucking lecture in college and the competitive exams irritating numerical .. (let me tell you guys I am preparing for my post graduation admission for Physics).. life and social sites sometimes sucks. In order to get rid of the filthy stuffs a movie a day will definitely be a good decision.Started with "theory of Everything" today..It's a biographical romantic drama on the life of Mr. Stephen hawking Sir. I loved it...I just loved it. I have been studying Physics for so long and it's my most favourite subject of all time.. by the way watching a movie of your Ideal has its own did it. Even after watching it I am a bit more in love with my subject. The movie was damn good and so were the actors in it..Eddie Redmayne (Played Stephen) acted so naturally.. He just nailed it. Was happy to see SCHRODINGER EQUATION on board being solved by Sir, as I had Quantum in my syllabus too.The movie showed story. These kind of movies becomes quite successful in weighing down we people towards love..they helps us teach that love exist in the universe..everywhere..and in everyone's life no matter what you are.. a Physicist or a bloody student of a shitty university.. (I am sry for the words).I learned that all the hardships and tough situations of life can be overcome if we allow ourselves to love. If we give ourselves the air to love and no matter how worse is the situation, it slowly gets vanished. Love should be in the air we breathe..Another important thing the movie taught me is to stop complaining about anything, anything here means just anything..seeing Mr. Hawking I felt ashamed. The person can't walk, can't move himself, can't speak, can't use his body without the help of the machine. All he can do is blink his eyes and still he did things which are beyond our imaginations. His discoveries, his work proved that only WILL is what matters and no disability can stop you. No situation has power to destroy your will.Nothing can stop you from living the life of your dream. You can do anything in any way.So stop complaining..CHEERS!! 

Saturday, December 10, 2016


Here I am. A Geek, A philosopher, A writer, An Artist, A Physics lover, A curious girl, A chatter box, An ambivert, A traveller, A guitarist, A script writer, lover, admirer. And this is my small world.. I don't know why I have made this it is in no way particular for any topic. It's for me and my li'l world. Right from the movie I watch to the dress I wear.. from Politics to Olympics..From my latest poetry to the place I visited..of heartbreak..of pancakes..of chaos and echos of hatred and proud..and almost everything.. what goes through this Geek's mind and heart..

Enjoy Stalking!!!